Tbilisi, Georgia

Enjoying a birthday ice-cream in Ronda, Spain. Did you know the town is famous for it’s bullfighting arena.

I had just returned from a long journey at sea. Here I am with Roger, the African Grey Parrot. Do I look like a pirate

I was lucky enough to visit Serbia while on a training course. The buildings and culture of the Serbian people really intrigued me

In my personal time I love going to the beach with my family. This was taken at a small coastal village in South Africa

Part of what I love about my travels is experiencing fun and interesting places. This picture was taken at sunset near Ecuador, South America

Two of my five children and myself enjoying the view over Spain’s farmlands

Outside of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi, Georgia. I love to expand my knowledge and visit interesting buildings such as this one

Relaxing and enjoying some downtime in the Comoros on the black volcanic beaches

This picture was taken in Langebaan, South Africa with my children. The tiny coastal town comes alive with flowers of every colour every spring
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