
Москва, Россия

Меня зовут Даша, мне 17 лет.
Я учу английский язык уже почти 10 лет. Буду рада пообщаться с вами о путешествиях (так мы сможем обменяться интересным опытом), о фильмах и сериалах, коими увлекаются все поголовно, или о моде.

Также мы сможем подискутировать на разные темы, которые вас интересуют, попробовать формат дебатов. Я знаю, как тяжело преодолеть языковой барьер, но разговор на интересующие вас темы точно поможет сделать первые шаги в сторону fluent English.

Буду рада с вами пообщаться)

Языки: Английский, Русский

Обучается в Англии

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As I said before, I adore traveling and also taking photographs during my trips. It gives me oportunity not only to practice in art, but also to go back to some moments. For example, this picture is from Dresden, Germany and It reminds me of wonderful time that I spent with my family. Shall we talk about photographing?

I am fond of cinema. During my trips I try to find oportunities to attend some film festivals or clubs. For example, this is photograph from cinema in old theatre in Karlovy Vary. Would you like to talk about your traveling experiences?

Nearly every summer and winter vacation I went to some boarding schools to study foreign languages. I met a lot of kind, smart and interesting people there. Because of this I not only made friends from all over the world, but also was able to practice my speaking skills. We can discuss your experience of international friendships!

I do love music. I like to listen to it not only at home, but also at some concerts. What kind of music do you like?

At this picture you can see my mother, my elder brother and my younger sister. Shall we talk about our families?

Индивидуальные и групповые сессии

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