Петропавловск, Казахстан
Говоря об английском языке, именно практика в общении с местными и иностранными студентами помогла мне повысить свой уровень владения. Поэтому я считаю, что общение на твои любимые темы, как ничто иное, поможет тебе заговорить свободно на english!
To be honest, the beautiful sound of piano music brings me a silent and peaceful moment. It helps me to calmly see what is happening in my mind and collect my thoughts together just by playing a simple song:) I am a big fan of BTS and Adele, so I like to spend some time to pick up their songs by ear.

For me, dance is more than just a hobby, it’s a passion. I like to dance whenever possible. Also, native costumes and special make-up give me a chance to get a deep insight into different cultures!
Tik tok is one of the most popular apps in the world nowadays. I can spend hours dancing in my room. I usually choose one of the top requested songs, link some movements and finally create a dance! I enjoy this process. Shall we talk about TikTok?))

For the last 2 years I have been studying in Cambridge. I found a lot of friends from different countries and I can easily call them “My family”. Also, as for teenager, it was quite difficult to adapt to new environment and situations. But, for the last 2 years I have gained enough experience to share with you! Are you interested in College life, how to live without parents and how to find new friends? Let’s talk about it! My favourite topic.
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